Become part of the Allens Lane Art Center community and help support our programs through exciting volunteer opportunities!

Allens Lane thrives with the help of our community. There are many ways to volunteer and support our mission of bringing our diverse community together to experience and support the arts. Below are just some opportunities for you to become a part of our wonderful Allens Lane Art Center community.

We are currently looking for volunteers to be Ushers for our 2023-24 Theater Season. Volunteer Ushers help our theater patrons enjoy their time at Allens Lane before the show and are invited to stay and watch the show for FREE! Connect with our community and experience the arts in real time by volunteering to usher a performance.

Volunteer to help with gallery exhibitions or events at our main gallery and/or our satellite gallery with our community partner, Settlement Music School at their Germantown Branch.

Board Service
Allens Lane Art Center is governed by a group of committed individuals who are passionate about the intrinsic benefits of the arts to enrich and engage our community. If you are interested in joining our Board of Directors, don’t hesitate to get in touch with info@allenslane.org or fill out a board member application below.