Other Ways to Give
Explore the many ways you can contribute and support Allens Lane Art Center.

Donate by Mail, Phone or Online
By Mail
Send your check or money order, payable to:
Allens Lane Art Center, 601 West Allens Lane, Philadelphia, PA 19119
Please include your name, email, and phone number so we may send you an acknowledgement letter. Please list your name(s) as you would like it to appear in our printed and online materials. You can also indicate if this donation is being given anonymously.
By Phone
Call us at 215-248-0546 during office hours (M-F, 10am – 5pm) or leave your contact information on our voicemail and we will call you back. Please do not leave credit card information on the voicemail.
Secure online donations can be made using the link below.
All donations are tax-deductible and all donors will receive written documentation of their donation.
A Variety of Ways to Support
In addition to accepting monetary donations directly through our website, we provide a number of creative ways for our supporters to benefit Allens Lane Art Center.
Employee Matching Gifts
Did you know many companies – both big and small – match, double, or even triple the charitable gifts of their employees, retirees, and often spouses of employees? It costs you nothing extra.
Simply contact your employer for an Employee Matching Gift form to double your donation to Allens Lane Art Center. For the form, you’ll usually need this information: Allens Lane Art Center, 601 West Allens Lane, Phila. Pa. 19119, 215-248-0546, info@allenslane.org, Tax ID# 23-6005579.
Donate Stock
We partner with StockDonator.com in order to make it easy to donate stock to Allens Lane Art Center. Stock Donator accepts your donated shares, handles the transaction with your brokerage, sells the stock, transfers the proceeds to our bank account, and sends you a detailed receipt of the donation transaction for tax deduction purposes.

The Rebeccah Milena Maia Blum Fund
Allens Lane Art Center has set up a special fund to honor the memory of Rebeccah M. M. Blum, a celebrated curator of Berlin-based gallery Aurel Scheiblerin and European liaison of David Nolan Gallery in New York. Rebeccah spent the years of 1969-1979 in Mount Airy, a place of origin for her family.